How to replace commas in email addresses

In this second in the series of three tips to help you tidy your e-mailing lists, we look at a quick but useful method to replace the most common typing error in email addresses. Often when people fill in their email address, they type in a comma rather than a full stop. For instance info@workingdata, has a comma rather than a full stop between ‘workingdata’ and ‘co’. Using Excel’s Find & Replace tool, we can tidy these up quickly.

We have prepared a spreadsheet example for you to follow along if you don’t want to build a spreadsheet of your own from scratch. It includes ‘Removing trailing full stops in email addresses’ and ‘Generating Mailout Salutations’ in addition to replacing commas in email addresses.

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Replacing commas in email addresses

Let’s take the example from the previous paragraph, franc@workingdata, and add in one other, info@sales,com as in Spreadsheet Data 1.

Spreadsheet Data 1

[xyz-ihs snippet=”separator”]

We go up to the Edit menu and select Replace. As you can see from Spreadsheet Data 2, we can also select this by using the keyboard shortcut, CTRL+H, which means ‘hold down the Ctrl button and press h’.

Spreadsheet Data 2

[xyz-ihs snippet=”separator”]

This brings up the ‘Find and Replace’ dialog box. In the Find What field we enter a comma, and in the Replace with field, we type a full stop, as in Spreadsheet Data 3.

Spreadsheet Data 3

[xyz-ihs snippet=”separator”]

Finally, click the Replace All button and all the commas will be replaced with full stops as in Spreadsheet Data 4.

Spreadsheet Data 4

[xyz-ihs snippet=”separator”]

This quick tip could save you hours and hours of clicking and re-typing. There are many more ways to greatly reduce the amount of time you have to spend getting your data working. Now that your data is tidy, it is important to get the message through to your prospects.

You could construct your own Mailing List Preparation Spreadsheet Example by following this tip and a few others, but why not take advantage of the time we have already spent preparing ours?!

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Once you have completed your purchase via PayPal you receive a download link by email.

[xyz-ihs snippet=”separator”]

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