As we spend more and more time at the PC nowadays, it makes sense to put it to the best use possible. Computers are very good at doing repetitive tasks, very quickly. Using macros allows you to tap into this without learning any programming. They, essenti ...
A Simple Excel Timesheet
If you sell your time by the day or by the hour you need a simple and quick way to record your hours and wages. Working Data have developed a simple-to-use, clear and neat Excel spreadsheet timesheet that you can download and re-use forever. It contains ...
How to find number of sales, sales value and average sale by supplier
Want to know which of your suppliers products you are selling the most of? If you've got a long list of sales in your spreadsheet, it might seem obvious how to pull out that information. But, it is very useful information. Just copy and paste your supplie ...
How to find sales by product
Faced with a long sales ledger with a month's worth of sales, it can be daunting to find a way to compile the data and get some meaningful feedback. In this month's spreadsheet tips we look at the SUMIF function which is used to add things together depend ...
How to analyse sales using pivot tables
Pivot Tables are a very fast, neat way of analysing sales data like this:If you would like a formatted example of how it works, you can download our surprisingle inexpensive spreadsheet: When you swap in your own data, don't forget to refresh the Pivot Ta ...
How to identify Marketing Prospects from an Excel spreadsheet
Many people who approach Working Data for bespoke software ask for help with marketing data and processes. It is impossible to replicate the functions of such a system in a spreadsheet, but there are a few select elements which can be reproduced. In this ...
Simple Excel Markup and Margin Tool
A simple Excel tool to help you with Markup calculationsand Margin calculations. Want to get a handle on Pricing, Markup and Margin?Are you not sure which method to use for your pricing structures? How would they compare?Markup and Margin are often used ...
How to tidy mailout data
When you want to do a mailshot to your client list, it is important that you get the information right first time. Any improper formatting immediately makes your communication seem at worst suspect, and at least, amateurish. Often when you receive client ...
How to automatically get the website address from an email address
In this month's newsletter we cover the use of Text functions which are often used to analyse and tidy spreadsheet data. However, their most powerful application is in automating data entry, saving you hours if not days of time. If you have any requests o ...
How to do mailout salutations
In this third and final part of our three-part series helping you to tidy and prepare an e-mailing list we look at generating the salutation. If you would like to read along with the prepared Mailing List Prepartion Spreadsheet Example just follow the in ...