If you sell your time by the day or by the hour you need a simple and quick way to record your hours and wages. Working Data have developed a simple-to-use, clear and neat Excel spreadsheet timesheet that you can download and re-use forever. It contains full instructions, prints out neatly and comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
A simple-to-use, neat, printable Excel timesheet
The Simple Excel Timesheet from Working Data:
- Allows different rates for Mon to Fri, Saturday and Sunday.
- Works out the whole week’s dates for you, just enter the Monday’s date.
- Calculate the number of hours and wages for each day and for the whole week.
- Has a preset print area so you can print out straight away.
- Reusable & 100% Money Back Guarantee (30 days from date of purchase)
How to use the Simple Excel Timesheet
1. Enter your hourly rate(s)
You can have different rates for Mon to Fri, Saturday and Sunday.
2. Enter the Week Commencing (Monday) date and your name
3. Enter your Start and Finish times (24-hr clock) and any breaks
4. Fill in for each day to get your totals. Print out or Print to PDF to email.
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